Common API Usage Examples Using SuperColumns
One of the more cumbersome portions of dealing directly with Cassandra’s Thrift API, is the prevalence of the ColumnOrSuperColumn (CoSC) object. Though it provides for some convenience, it can lead to a lot of boiler-plate code. Previous versions of Hector encapsulated this functionality into separate method calls. The current version follows on that design with different implementations of the Query interface for SuperColumn queries.
Inserting a Column on a SuperColumn
Inserting a Column on a SuperColumn with Mutator is quite similar to what we have already seen. The only difference is we are now creating an HSuperColumn in place of HColumn to provide some additional structure. For example, if we wanted to store our users under the "billing" department, we would use the following call to Mutator:
Mutator<String> mutator =
HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, stringSerializer);
mutator.insert("billing", "Super1", HFactory.createSuperColumn("jsmith",
Arrays.asList(HFactory.createStringColumn("first", "John")),
stringSerializer, stringSerializer, stringSerializer));
As for retrieval of a SuperColumn, the simple case is almost identical to retrieval of a standard Column. The only difference is the Query implementation used.
SuperColumnQuery<String, String, String, String> superColumnQuery =
HFactory.createSuperColumnQuery(keyspace, stringSerializer,
stringSerializer, stringSerializer, stringSerializer);
Result<HSuperColumn<String, String, String>> result = superColumnQuery.execute();
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